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This is from the Mercy and Blessings of my Lord

This is from the Mercy and Blessings of my Lord

الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنّا لنهتدي لو لا أن هدانا الله

All Praise is to Allah Who guided us unto this; Had it not been for His Guidance we would not have been rightly guided!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


1. What is Taharah?
Taharah means Purification. That is ritual purity from every minor and major impurity and defilements. It not only includes cleanliness of body but even clothes, place and all aspects of Muslim’s life.

2. 'Purity is half of the Faith.' Elaborate.
Purity holds an important place in Islam. Being clean is to fulfill half the demands of faith. The remaining half covers all other aspects of Faith. To fulfill obligations such as Salah, Tawaf, reciting the Qur'an, Cleanliness is a condition without which the obligations are invalid. 'Purity is half of the Faith' without which a Muslim's Faith will be incomplete.

3. Mention the two kinds of purification.
a. Purification from Hadath – ritual impurity.
b. Purification from Najasa – defilements.
4. When does a major ritual impurity occur?
A major ritual impurity occurs in the following four states:
1. Husband and wife conjugal relationship
2. Hayd – Menstruation
3. Bleeding after childbirth
4. Ihtilaam – Wet dreams

5. When does a minor ritual impurity occur?
A minor ritual impurity occurs in the following two states:
1. Relieving nature
2. Loss of consciousness and sleep

6. Who is a Ha'iz and What are the do's and don’ts for a Ha'iz?
A woman in the condition of menstruation is called Ha'iz
1. Women are excused from performing Salah.
2. They are also exempted from fasting, but not absolutely. They are required to make up the lost days after attaining ritual purity.
3. They are not allowed to touch the Quran.
4. They are not allowed to enter a masjid or perform the Tawaf.
5. They are forbidden to their husbands, until they attain ritual purity.

7. Islam does not prescribe separation for a menstruating woman. Comment.
People should not abstain from sitting together on the same floor or eating together when a woman has her monthly period,making her virtually an untouchable as has been the custom among Jews and some other communities. Islam does not prescribe separation for a menstruating woman. 

8. What is Ghusl? How is it performed?
Ghusl means washing the whole body. According to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) the manner of performing Ghusl is:
1. Wash hands three times
2. Wash and remove every defilement, congealed or liquid, from the body.
3. Do Wodhu as for Salah.
4. Scoop water over the head, running wet fingers through the hair, letting the water reach down the roots of the hair.
5. Pour water over the entire body, beginning with the right side, then the left,
    washing underarms, inside and outside the ears, inside the navel, between the toes.
It is an obligation that the water should reach all the parts of the body. If any part of the skin remains dry, the Ghusl is not valid.
9. What is Najasah? Detail the various types of impurities.
Najasah means defilement, including bodily, material and discernible impurities.

Types of impurities:

1. Al-Maita (Carrion) – It means an animal or bird that has died in any way other than the Islamic manner of slaughter. It also includes anything that is cut or torn from the limbs of a live animal.

2. The Hide - It is impure unless it is tanned. Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) said, "Tanning removes its impurity; and if the hide is tanned, it is purified." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

3. Blood – Whether it is of man or animal, menstrual or post-natal, it is unclean.

4. The Swine, living or dead, and what is begotten of it. The flesh of swine is forbidden.

5. The Dog – It is unclean. Dogs render food impure which they lick.

6. Al-Khamr – Wine, literally al-Khamr, is what obscures the intellect. Every drink which causes intoxication is forbidden. Allah's Messenger said, "Wine is the key to all evils." (Ahmed)

7. Urine and Excrement- These objects are unclean. It is obligatory to purify garments, body, or place defiled by them.

Saluting the Glorious Messenger of Allah

Peace Be Upon Him